Online Casino Marketing

Posted : admin On 3/30/2022

Casino marketing promotions can be a tricky area. You don't want to appear to be promoting excessive gambling, but you do want to bring in new players. You need to engage players and ensure your customer experience is as positive as possible. You want to do this without spending a large amount of money on extra specialized staff or more time on individual messaging and development. Marketing automation provides a solution for effective and efficient casino marketing. By implementing marketing automation into your casino promotion ideas, you open the door to powerful and instant communication with all your regulars. Here are a few casino marketing ideas to take advantage of marketing automation for casinos.

  • A loyalty program allows you to reward customers who come back to your casino. It also keeps your regular players coming in for the chance at high-level prizes and the ability to redeem loyalty points for lower level prizes. Even if customers are only coming in for drinks or to view an event, the loyalty program could be a draw for food and drink or other prizes instead of games.
  • By holding contests, you can engage serious players with the chance to play in a VIP event where they can compete with even higher stakes. This will draw serious players, particularly in cards. While many games are casual and depend on luck, card games like poker are regarded as a sport. Any casino can take advantage of that hype by holding their own local events.
  • Know your customer. By orienting your events and games toward your customers and not your industry, you can react much faster to the use of new innovations and the internet for casino marketing. The best way to do this is to have web tracking capabilities and some form of contact management. These allow you to gather details about who your customer is, what they do, and where they come from in order to best understand what they want and need.

GET FOUND ONLINE. With over 1500 casinos nationwide, standing out in a crowd is a daunting task. Alamaphetic President Matthew Capala recommends a results-focused online marketing strategy that incorporates digital marketing best practices combined with industry expertise to get noticed. “The gaming industry often doubles down on traditional. The other misconception is the ever famous $500.00 Online Casino. Net Site Gaming does not offer free casino websites. Our entire corporation is extremely serious about what we do, and we do it well. We have grown to be a viable competitor to all entities in the marketplace of online gaming and casino online marketing.

These are some pretty basic casino promotion ideas and they can be done without automation, right? But if you do automate them, you can use email, SMS, and forms to gather information easily. This information is automatically tied into the customer tracking software and the contact manager. This way, you can have a contest, an event, and a loyalty program that are all at least partly automated. Automating the process enables you to set up casino events and inform people about them cheaply and easier than before. What happens to all the money and time saved? They can be invested back into other areas of your business.

Implement these casino marketing ideas with marketing automation

For more information on the tools casinos could use to benefit their business, check out our casino and resort page. For more information on marketing automation, what it can do, and how much it would cost for our ultimate marketing toolbox, have a look at our marketing automation page. Or, contact us at or by phone at one of the numbers below:

Local: 902-835-8974

North America:1-866-323-6572

Australia: +61.2.8011.3385

United Kingdom: +44.20.7558.8954

Sales is ext. 1 on each of those lines.

Online casino magyar

I’ve said it on many occasions, one of my favorite things to talk about is strategy, specifically marketing strategy. A solid strategy unveils a path to success because it identifies where you want to end up. It differs from your marketing plan, which is the collection of steps you’ll take on the path and the tools you’ll need to get further.

You may (or may not) know that most of my work history has been in the casino industry. It has been a career that has allowed me to grow in my skills as a marketer. And though I work in other industries now, I often rely on the lessons learned “taking a gamble.” There are five casino marketing strategies any business, large or small, can adopt.

Winning Casino Marketing Strategy: Database Marketing


Like any other businesses, casinos compete for the disposable dollars of adults, specifically disposable dollars that adults may choose to use for entertainment. Casino marketers are asking for a not-so-insignificant part of that entertainment budget. While a trip to the movies with popcorn and soda could easily top $50 for two people, casinos are looking for that spend from one adult. So, how they identify a target is worth a look. In my opinion, few companies leverage a database quite like a casino. They have been collecting information about customers for years and are now able to leverage that information to determine who the most valuable customers are today and will be tomorrow. They have learned to understand the triggers that drive visits during targeted times. And, given the explosion of technology, they continue to use snail mail in successful ways. You can do this too! CRM and sales tools about from free starters great for small businesses to rock star business intelligence tools.

Winning Casino Marketing Strategy: Personalization

You’ve seen the movies. You’ve seen HIM. He’s the slick smooth-talking casino host. Wrong! Let’s bring that time machine back to the present. Today’s casino host is part salesperson, part customer service representative. The primary functions of the casino host are to create experiences for high-worth customers by providing the complimentary perks that make their visit truly personal. At the core of this function is the understanding that casino customers – indeed all of us – want the businesses we patronize to know who we are and what we like. Years ago, I dropped a dress off at my usual dry cleaner. I walked in and place my dress on the counter as usual. The young lady behind the counter greeted me and proceeded to complete my ticket and let me know when my dress would be ready. Notice anything? She didn’t ask for my name. She knew it even though I barely stopped there every one or two months. To this day, that little moment is still memorable. Jim White is chief culture and experience officer for Ignite Medical Resorts. As one of the most innovative providers of post-acute care, Ignite looked to him to create an environment that would differentiate them. Sure. “In the Medical Resort model that we have created, a personalized experience is truly the only way to differentiate yourself from all the other businesses that do what we do. It’s all the little extra touches – in addition to the excellent clinical care we provide, that causes more people to recommend us and make us their provider of choice.”


Winning Casino Marketing Strategy: A Chance to Win

Ever wonder what makes people buy lottery tickets when the odds are stacked against them? Psychologists will tell you that our brains can’t really compute probabilities that are that high. They might also argue we mere humans fall into a trap of “near miss”, in other words, “If I was that close this time, I could be the winner next time.” But what about freebies? When 7-Eleven gives away free Slurpees, people line up by the hundreds and thousands. Whether it be free or a gamble, people want a chance to win something. Casinos understand this and build calendars of events that use drawings, free spins, and tournaments to create multiple chances to win.

Casino Marketing And Promotions

Winning Casino Marketing Strategy: Value


Casino Marketing Strategy

Anyone with a dollar to spend wants to feel they are getting something of value for that dollar. Casinos understand pricing and value like few other businesses. Thousands of focus groups have repeated the same feeling. Gamblers know the odds of winning are not in their favor, but they want to be able to play a sufficient amount of time with the budget they have. That’s how they interpret value on the casino floor. Additionally, casinos price certain food venues to appeal to that need for value. Value is not a dollar amount, it is the relationship to your customer’s wallet. So, as you look at your offerings and customer experience, think about those moments you add value and where you take it away. Sometimes, something as easy as using a POS system that easily emails a receipt can add value to a checkout.

Winning Casino Marketing Strategy: Community

Online casino marketing

Let’s be honest, when casinos came to the area, many looked forward to the fun and excitement. Few really believed the operations would enhance the community. At the last company I worked for, employees performed over 14,000 hours of community service in only one year. Perform a simple search on the American Gaming Association site and you’ll see an example on top of an example of how the communities were enriched by the hard work of casino employees. And, yes, I am aware that some people are unable (through their own control or forces beyond their control) to game responsibly, but this story is about being a part of the community and encouraging your employees to use their time (and perhaps a day or two of yours) to be a part of this beautiful city and the surrounding parishes. Get involved. There are too many needs and I bet given the opportunity, your employees would love to get involved.

Online Casino Magyar

As a marketer, I constantly look to all industries for examples of best practices. These are the five casino marketing strategies that can easily be adopted by you.

Online Casino Marketing Plan

A shortened version of this column appeared in the October 2017 issue of Biz New Orleans.