Best In Slot Shadow Priest Shadowlands
Posted : admin On 3/29/2022- Best Shadow Priest Trinkets
- Holy Priest Bis 9.1
- Best In Slot For Shadow Priest
- Shadow Priest Bis Phase 2 Tbc
After the Shadowlands was introduced onto the platform, you are now able to collect various Legendary Powers, and at the same time, craft your very own preferred Legendary Items. There’s another system in the Shadowlands that centers around the Covenants, and there is a total of four to choose from for shadow priest shadowlands. Greetings, would like to use anonymized Google Analytics (GA), to know how many people are using the website.You can either accept or reject this. Your choice will be saved on your device in a cookie.
The current best in slot gear for Shadow Priests optimizing PvE DPS in WoW Shadowlands 9.1. Is the Priest class in Shadowlands worth playing??0:00 Introduction0:34 Covenants7:45 Mind Soothe + Power Infusion11:23 Discipline19:27 Holy24:30 ShadowFOLLO. Best Items to Upgrade with Valor Points for Holy Priest in Shadowlands Valor Points is a returning currency brought back with Patch 9.0.5. With this new currency, players are able to upgrade items from Mythic+ Dungeon, either from running Mythic Keystones or from the Great Vault, up to item level 246.
Best covenant/soulbind for Single target:
Best covenant/soulbind for Dungeons/Raids overall:
(Dreamweaver overall, or if you need more ST focus. Korayn specifically for AoE Burst or slight funnel)
Necrolord: Marileth or Bonesmith (Marileth for full ST focus, and Bonesmith for any dungeon or big cleave scenario)
Conduits Overview
Single Target:Dissonant Echoes /Haunting Apparitions / Rabid Shadows
If you use theTalbadar's Stratagem legendary:Dissonant Echoes / Haunting Apparitions /Mind Devourer
If you play as Kyrian: Dissonant Echoes / Haunting Apparitions / Courageous Ascension
Night Fae:
Currently the best legendary is Shadowflame Prism. In combination with the Night Fae covenant and the Mindbender talent this legendary becomes very strong on single target and stacked AoE.
Optimal slot: Hands
The 2nd best legendary is Talbadar's Stratagem: This legendary is slightly weaker than Shadowflame Prism. However, if you use this legendary make sure to use Void Torrent instead of Mindbender.
Best Shadow Priest Trinkets
Optimal slot: Legs
Holy Priest Bis 9.1
Currently the best legendary is Pallid Command for single target, and Shadowflame Prism for dungeons/cleave.
Raid is almost exclusively Pallid Command at the moment, while Shadowflame Prism is being used during niche cases where burst cleave is needed.
Optimal slots: Pallid Command: Feet / Shadowflame Prism: Hands
Bis Trinkets 9.1:
- Soulletting Ruby / Forbidden Necromantic Tome
- Shadowed Orb of Torment / Forbidden Necromantic Tome
These 2 combos can swap in value depending on your covenant, soulbind and gear (stats)
Soulletting Ruby is still considered better overall since the sniping of low health adds to funnel the bigger amount of crit rating into your CDs on a boss is not something that is reflected in your typical 5 minute Patchwerk sim (It does scale with health in sims, but not in the sense that you can snipe a 10% add while boss is 80% health etc.)
Best In Slot For Shadow Priest
Bis Domination Set Bonus:
- Unholy
- Blood
- Frost
Unholy, even after the buffs to Blood and Frost remain the king for us. It is ahead of Blood for single target while also scaling with additional targets a lot better.
If you do not have Unholy Set Bonus, Blood is a decent option however.
Best Potency Conduits for Holy Priests
Holy-Specific Conduits
Conduit | Description | Raid verdict | Mythic+ Verdict |
Focused Mending | Increases the healing Prayer of Mending by a sizable amount. | Good HPS gain | Good HPS gain |
Holy Oration | Reduces your Holy words by a greater amount. | Good HPS gain | Good HPS gain |
Lasting Spirit | Increases duration and healing bonus of Guardian Spirit. Value is sizably increased in 5 mans if your tank is more self-heal focused (DH/Blood etc) | Niche | Excellent |
Resonant Words | Increases the healing of your next Flash Heal or Healby a sizeable amount after casting any Holy Word, including Holy Word: Chastise. | Great HPS gain | Great HPS gain |
Covenant-Specific Potency Conduits
Covenant Conduits are generally decent but not high priority compared to the base Holy options.
Covenant | Conduit | Description | Raid verdict | Mythic+ Verdict |
Kyrian | Courageous Ascension | Increases the damage of your Boon of the Ascended. | Minor HPS/DPS gain | Minor HPS/DPS gain |
Necrolord | Festering Transfusion | Increases Unholy Nova duration and damage. | Minor HPS/DPS gain | Minor HPS/DPS gain |
Night Fae | Fae Fermata | Your Fae Guardians leave behind a copy of your fairies for 60% effectiveness when you move them. | Minor gain | Minor gain |
Venthyr | Shattered Perceptions | Increases the damage and duration of Mindgames | Minor HPS/DPS gain | Minor HPS/DPS gain |
Best Raiding and M+ Potency Conduits for Holy Priest
Holy Priest has good value across their conduits and often will get strong value out of many of them. Focused Mending and Holy Oration require minimal extra work from the healer to produce results. Raids always place high importance on Prayer of Mending, Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify so that should come as no surprise. In dungeons, Prayer of Mending gains a lot more value in Shadowlands now that there is more regular group-wide damage present.
- Raids: Resonant Words > Holy Oration and Focused Mending
- Mythic+: Resonant Words and Lasting Spirit > rest
Resonant Words is your top option to increase the value of your next Heal especially with the high acceleration of Holy Words in dungeons and raids thanks to Apotheosis and the Flash Concentration legendary. Whether you have a tank with high self-healing or not Lasting Spirit is a must-have conduit in dungeons with how hard tanks get hit these days.
Best Endurance Conduits for Holy Priest

Conduit | Description | Raid verdict | Mythic+ Verdict |
Charitable Soul | Casts a small shield on yourself when you Shield an ally. Due to how nerfed Power Word: Shield has been, these shields aren't much. | Weak | Weak |
Condensed Anima Sphere | New conduit in 9.1, moderate defensive value. | Decent HPS gain | Decent HPS gain |
Light's Inspiration | Provides a HoT effect after casting the Desperate Prayer defensive. | Minor HPS gain | Minor HPS gain |
Translucent Image | Causes your Fade to provide damage reduction on demand. Priests' defense is limited, so having any damage reduction is helpful. |
Endurance conduits are much better and more universal than Finesse. Between raids and Mythic+, you'll often want to run the same conduits.
Best Finesse Conduits for Holy Priest
Conduit | Description | Raid verdict | Mythic+ Verdict |
Clear Mind | Situational use on encounters with frequent dispels. | Niche | Dungeon specific |
Mental Recovery | There's plenty of other slows in the game. This is either for PvP or World quests | Niche | |
Power Unto Others | Grants slight cooldown reduction to Power Infusion when you utilize it on an ally. Okay for Mythic+ | ||
Move with Grace | Now reduces the cooldown on Leap of Faith. Rarely do you ever need to use grip on cooldown. | Niche |
Most of the finesse conduits are very niche or situational in their uses. Often you'll be best off grabbing double Endurance conduits to improve your survivability.

General Endurance/Finesse Priority
Shadow Priest Bis Phase 2 Tbc
- Translucent Image: Top Priority
- Clear Mind: High priority if dispelling frequently, Mythic+
- Light's Inspiration: Medium/Low Priority
- Niche uses for Move with Grace, Power Unto Others, Mental Recovery